Monday, August 11, 2008


I like flowers, I love roses. I take photo of roses when ever and where ever I can.
Rad imam rože, še posebno vrtnice. Slikam jih, kadar le morem.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My life - moje življenje

A handheld digital camera.Image via Wikipedia Well, those photos are also my favorits. It's hard do decide. Some of those photos I made years ago with clasic camera and than I scanned them.

No, tudi te so moje najljubše fotke - se je kar težko odločiti. Nekaj sem jih posnel pred leti s klasičnim fotoaparatom in jih nato skeniral.

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Some photos not made by me

Qufu - 曲阜Image by PierrickBlons via Flickr This photos are my favorits even it was not me who made it. Those photos are my life.

To so moje najljubše fotografije, čeprav jih nisem jaz naredil. To so fotke mojega življenja.

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Moje fotke - my photos

Kupil sem si digitalni foto aparat in zdaj kar pritiskam in pritiskam. Največ rože , pa hiše, pač vse, kar mi je tisti hip všeč.

I bought my digitala and now I am clicking and clicking camera's button. The most flowers, and houses and everything I like

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