Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Autumn colors - jesenske barve

Brilliant orange of sunlight autumn trees.Image via WikipediaAutumn is here for more than a month. There is a lot of things I like in autumn , like fruits , beautiful colors. But, I must confess I do not like autumn a lot as it means that winter is coming. And it means it will be colder, it means shorter days and long, long nights. It means that roses will die or maybe they go to sleep for few months.

Jesen je tu že več kot mesec dni. veliko stvari mi je v jeseni všeč, kot npr. sadje, lepe barve. Toda, priznati moram, da mi jesen ni zelo všeč, ker to pomeni, da prihaja zima. In to pomeni, da bo oblj mrzlo, to pomeni krajše dneve in zelo dolge noči. To pomeni, da bodo vrtnice umrle ali pa morda, da gredo spat za nekaj mesecev.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

The Drinkers & Slovenia, Brasil , Serbia & Slovenia

leaves in the skyImage by *madalena-pestana* via Flickr

Hi there

I am going to celebrate my birthday and I chossed some music videos. Today there is no my photos.

First about SloveniaSlovenia on CNN

I feel Slovenia

Now see some other great music (not only Slovenia)

Ko to tamo pjeva (Who is singinging there) - original Ciganos from Serbia

One of the best movie I’ve seen in my life

The Drinkers –one of the most crasy rockers from Slovenia - Ko to tamo pjeva - Pijemo ga radi (We like to drink) - En majhen jager - Jingle Bells

Adi Smolar Jaz sem nor (I am crazy) Zlo počas (very slow)

Six Breathtaking Brazilian Chorus Girls - Carnaval Brasil Baila baila comigo – Dance with me - Brasilian samba and buble butt samba dancer

Bijelo Dugme (Sarajevo, Bosnia) - Lipe cvatu

Katice Gizdava

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Monday, October 20, 2008


A giraffe in the Central Kalahari Game ReserveImage via WikipediaDvakrat sem v nedeljo skušal obiskati ljubljanski živalski vrt , a mi ni uspelo! Zaradi novih mladih žiraf in lepega vremena je bilo tam toliko obiskovalcev, da nisem imel kje parkirati , tudi ob Večni poti kilometer gor dol ne. V soboto mi je le uspelo priti tja, a sem bil že malce pozen - večina živali se je umaknila v oddaljene kote svojih prostorov. Pa sem naredil fotoreportažo o ZOO Ljubljana kar po svoje. Upam, da vam je všeč.

I tried to visit Ljubljana ZOO last two Sundays, but I was not lucky. Because of new giraffes and beautiful weather there were so many visitors that I couldn't find space to park 1 km around entrance. Last Saturday I finally visited ZOO. I was late so the most of animals were on places to eat and rest. So I made photos about ZOO on my way. I hope you like it.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday Roses for Bela

Fall on the FairwayImage by pinkcigarette via FlickrRoses roses roses .... Bela loves roses, too

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Sunday Flowers and ....

UN 13 DE OCTUBRE CON LUNA LLENA IImage by c.fuentes2007 via FlickrI have so many photos that it is hard to decide, which one to post. Yesterday (Sunday) I chose some of my flower photos as Sunday flowers and (of cause) Sunday ROSES.

Imam toliko fotografij da se je kar težko odločiti, katere naj objavim. Včeraj (Nedelja) sem izbral nekaj mojih slikc kot nedeljske slike (rože in seveda VRTNICE).

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Sometimes I am hungry – LOL!

Photograph of a Coney Island hot dog.Image via WikipediaI am seek and tired of eating food from canes (like beans or beans with sosage or beans with who knows what) so I had to began to cook. Till now I was cooking only occasionally , few times per year : sosage , eggs , chicken , eggs , hople pople , eggs , hot dog , eggs – lol. Oh, yes, I forgot : I could make some children's food (milk and different kinds of something like »powder« ).

So, I decide to make me stake , rise , potato , macaroni. I like Uncle Ben rise as it is packed in small sacs so I can not fail how much rise to cook for me. First and second and third month I liked my kitchen art. Friend Aljonka and her son Rok said that I cook good even I never put enough water with rise or macaroni (ha ha). Well, even good, I am already seek of this 'good' food as always has the same taste. Maybe I should have to change some spices as I am using always the same!?

I think I will begin to make hople pople as my Sunday lunch. Everybody said that it is good. The only problem is that it is never the same so I never know, what taste will be my next hople pople.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Roses for Tina Turner

Simply the Best album coverImage via Wikipedia

Tina Turner is SIMPLY THE BEST , isn't it? An internet friend sent me video of Ike & Tina Turner - famous evergreen 'Praud Mary' ( I think from 60') . I choosed for Tina photos, which I took on 8th of September around the house where I live at this moment - Podlimbarskega street in Šiška (Ljubljana).

Tina Turner je enostavno najboljša (simply the best), ali ne? Internet prijatelj mi je poslal video posnetek Ike & Tina Turner - znani "večno zeleni" (ever green) "Praud Mary" (mislim, da je iz 60 let). Za Tino sem izbral fotografije, ki sem jih naredil 8. septembra okrog hiše , kjer trenutno živim - Podlimbarskega v Šiški.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008


Location of the Municipality of Bled in SloveniaImage via WikipediaBeautiful sunny day, I was free. I took bus and went to famous lake Bled. As I am upset with roses, I thought I will take only photos of roses. Well, Bled is so wonderful place that I took photos of everything I liked. I took tourist train to go around the lake. I picked up on the castle. 'Fijakars' (coaches with horses) are only for rich tourists, I even didn't ask for price.
I didn't have time to go by boat on the island. Of cause I was eating famous cake 'cremshnitte'.

Lep , sončen ponedeljek sem bil prost. Nisem hotel čepeti doma. odšel sem na avtobusno postajo in pogledal, kam gre kakšen avtobus. Avtobus za Bled je imel odhod čez 5 minut , vstopil sem in čez kakšni 2 uri začel fotografirati Bled. najprej sem seveda nameraval slikati vrtnice. No ja, Bled je tako čudovit, da sem seveda slikal vse, kar mi je bilo všeč. Peljal sem se z vlakcem okrog jezera, se povzpel na Grad. Fijakarji so samo za petične turiste, sploh nisem vprašal za ceno. Ko sem razmišljal, da bi šel še s čolnom na otok, se je dan prevesil v pozno popoldne in tako pač nisem šel na otok. A znano blejsko 'kremšnito' (kremno rezino) sem si z užitkom privoščil.

Foi lindo dia ensolarado, eu estava livre. Tomei camioneta e fui ao famoso lago Bled. Como estou chateado com rosas, eu pensei que terá apenas fotografias de rosas. Bem, Bled é tão maravilhoso lugar que eu tirei fotos de tudo o que eu gostava. Tomei comboio turístico para ir ao redor do lago. Eu pego no castelo. «Fijakars' (carruagens com cavalos), são só para turistas ricos, eu ainda não pedi para o preço.
Eu não tenho tempo para ir de barco à ilha. De porque eu estava comendo bolo famoso 'cremshnitte'.

Slide Bled sept 2008

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Roses from Pugljeva street

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image by Zemanta via CrunchBaseToday i had again 'my day'. On gardens of neighborhood of Pugljeva street (where is living on of authors of Zemanta) I could take some really nice examples of roses. I like this my Nikon more and more - cheap , user friendly and good quality. I was taking this photos after sunset, when I finished, it was already dark.

Danes sem spet imel 'svoj dan'. Na okoliških vrtovih Pugljeve ulice (kjer živi en od stvariteljev Zemanta) sem uspel poslikati kar nekaj lepih primerkov vrtnic.
Tale moj Nikon mi je čedalje bolj všeč - poceni, enostaven pa kvaliteten. Fotografiral sem že v mraku in na koncu skoraj v temi.

John Chow video
and Zemanta

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