Monday, January 5, 2009

Walking around

Café Coffee DayImage via WikipediaAs I usually work at night, I sleep during the day. Today sun awaked me. I quickly dressed, took my digital, took some coffee and ran to catch the Sun. It was quite cold (about -3oC). I was walking faster, by the way I took some photos and than I went to my favorite coffee place "Coffee Point" in Šiška.

Ker delam v glavnem ponoči, pač spim podnevi. Danes me je zbudilo sonce. Hitro sem se oblekel, vzel aparat, še prej popil kavo in odšel lovit sonce. Bilo kar mrzlo (okrog -3oC) . Malce hitreje sem hodil, spotoma naredil nekaj fotk in šel še na eno kavico k Cofee Point v Šiški.

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