Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Autumn colors - jesenske barve

Brilliant orange of sunlight autumn trees.Image via WikipediaAutumn is here for more than a month. There is a lot of things I like in autumn , like fruits , beautiful colors. But, I must confess I do not like autumn a lot as it means that winter is coming. And it means it will be colder, it means shorter days and long, long nights. It means that roses will die or maybe they go to sleep for few months.

Jesen je tu že več kot mesec dni. veliko stvari mi je v jeseni všeč, kot npr. sadje, lepe barve. Toda, priznati moram, da mi jesen ni zelo všeč, ker to pomeni, da prihaja zima. In to pomeni, da bo oblj mrzlo, to pomeni krajše dneve in zelo dolge noči. To pomeni, da bodo vrtnice umrle ali pa morda, da gredo spat za nekaj mesecev.

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