Monday, October 20, 2008


A giraffe in the Central Kalahari Game ReserveImage via WikipediaDvakrat sem v nedeljo skušal obiskati ljubljanski živalski vrt , a mi ni uspelo! Zaradi novih mladih žiraf in lepega vremena je bilo tam toliko obiskovalcev, da nisem imel kje parkirati , tudi ob Večni poti kilometer gor dol ne. V soboto mi je le uspelo priti tja, a sem bil že malce pozen - večina živali se je umaknila v oddaljene kote svojih prostorov. Pa sem naredil fotoreportažo o ZOO Ljubljana kar po svoje. Upam, da vam je všeč.

I tried to visit Ljubljana ZOO last two Sundays, but I was not lucky. Because of new giraffes and beautiful weather there were so many visitors that I couldn't find space to park 1 km around entrance. Last Saturday I finally visited ZOO. I was late so the most of animals were on places to eat and rest. So I made photos about ZOO on my way. I hope you like it.

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